...so much so, that I haven't even had time to consult the spirits, what with all that has been going on over the last few days.
Let me spell it out for you:
1. Jackson is now engaged to Candice. I didn't see that coming at all! Although Candice seems to be rather happy. She'll make such a beautiful bride too with her American Indian skin and dark, dark hair - so pretty :-) I wonder who she's picking for her bride's maids? *Hint, hint Candice ;-P*
2. It appears that Jackson and Camilla have a HISTORY. Yep, they know each other, but both are keeping mum about their 'relationship.' Some sort of complicated blood tie is being hinted at, but I can't see that Jackson would let a vamp take his blood. And even MORE unlikely is that he would take blood from a vampire...
3. A new name has popped out of the woodworks. Actually two of 'em. Jake Von House is the first one. He seems to be some sort of vampire hunter. Although from his Facebook account, he seems to be MIGHTY old - wonder what else can live longer than humans? Once again, Camilla seems to know him, although by a different name. Dunno what all that is about {shrugs}
4. The second new person on the scene is a little known character who goes by the name of Penne Stargazer. What a pretty name, huh? I don't know anything about her, and she doesn't seem to know anyone (or anyone that I know) at all. I wonder what she will bring to the mix?
5. Camilla is throwing a B & S Ball at the Nibble and Whore. For those of you who aren't an Aussie, that stands for Bachelor and Spinster's Ball. Normally single people attend. It's a good excuse to get pissed and more importantly GET LAID! Although in Camilla's case, I think the aim of the game is to SUCK BLOOD!
So there it all is, in a nut shell. I'm sure I've left stuff out, but even with just this list, I have MORE than enough on my plate...
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